PSM condemns any move by the Government to allow laid-off workers to withdraw funds from Account 1 of their Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF). This is absurd. Account 1 is clearly meant for retirement and one can only withdraw under strict regulations after they have reached 50, 55 or 60. With better/costlier health care, most workers…
Category: Uncategorized
Increase solar Net Energy Metering quota to 2,500MW for 2021-2030
Encourage rooftop solar panels through smart policy
Prioritise mental health in times of Covid
The working class is under monumental mental strain
Why men should support equal pay for women
Addressing the gender pay gap will benefit both men and women
Open up power grid access to boost renewable energy investment
We should open third-party access to the power grid
How the Covid-19 Pandemic Exacerbates Existing Gender Inequalities
Women and girls experience the pandemic differently from men and boys.
Thoughts on the Clinical Management of Covid 19 Patients
Covid 19 is a new pathogen and the medical profession hasn’t fully worked out why exactly it affects some people worse than others
Raise The Petrol Quality To Euro 6M
Malaysia should focus on adopting Euro 6 fuel quality for both petrol and diesel
How To Speed Up Renewable Energy Development
Three important reforms the new Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources should pursue.
The Journey Begins
Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton