by Banoo V. To combat COVID-19, ensure fair access to vaccines
Category: Uncategorized
Open letter to Alliance Bank and Bank Negara: stop this mental torture
by S. Arutchelvan. Alliance Bank and Bank Negara have inflicted needless suffering
Peninsula-wide water operator would put downward pressure on water tariffs
by Sharan Raj. We should merge state water operators
Lessons from Malaysia on how not to run a healthcare system
PSM stands in solidarity with Italians demanding equal healthcare access
Pakatan’s environmental destruction rooted in political-capitalist nexus
States led by Pakatan Harapan are blighted by overdevelopment.
Nenggiri Dam: electricity tariff will go up, not down
by Sharan Raj. K’tan Deputy Chief Minister’s statement is not accurate
Fuel switching to end coal usage in peninsula by 2023
by Sharan Raj. Steps to end Malaysia’s dependence on coal
Leftist music by Martin Vengadesan and the Stalemate Factor
Malaysian band produces music inspired by leftist struggle
Open electricity grid to reduce renewable energy cost
More flexibility will improve adoption of green technology
Malaysia risks electricity tariff hikes from foreign coal dependence
PSM urges the government to protect our long-term energy security by ditching coal.