by Sharan Raj. Favour commercial rooftop panels over unnecessary megaprojects
Category: Environment
Renewable energy (bio-methane) can boost farmer income
by Sharan Raj. Bio-methane can both help struggling farmers and fight climate change
Kickstart green economy to address record high underemployment
by Sharan Raj. Promoting green jobs should be a priority
Increase the depleting rooftop solar quota to stem unemployment & climate crisis
by Sharan Raj. The entire solar quota for the commercial sector could be exhausted by the end of May
Put a permanent moratorium on new fossil fuel IPPs
by Sharan Raj. Fossil fuel IPPs damage Malaysia’s environment and economy
End coal power plants: invest RM10 billion to stop RM150 billion in Ringgit outflow
Converting coal power to gas power is a great investment
Introduce Feed-in-Tariffs for bio-methane to boost renewable energy & rural economy
Bio-methane also known as biogas is derived from agricultural waste, sewerage gas, landfills, palm oil mill effluent (POME) and cattle manure. In 2012, the government introduced Feed-In-Tariffs (FiT) for electricity generated from renewable energy including bio-methane (biogas). Electricity from bio-methane (biogas) remains the least developed renewable energy source in Malaysia due to high capital costs to purchase…
Introduce smart electricity grid in 12th Malaysia plan
by Sharan Raj. Smart grids will boost renewable energy generation, improve grid reliability and reduce electricity tariffs
Malaysia should aim for carbon neutrality
Malaysia was not a permanent net carbon emitter until 2004
Malaysia’s rank in Climate Change Performance Index is disappointing
Malaysia needs to declare climate emergency