International Solidarity Messages to the 26th Annual National Congress of the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

International Solidarity Messages to the 26th Annual National Congress of the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)


Socialist Alliance, Australia

On behalf of our organization, I would like to extend solidarity to the Socialist Party of Malaysia for your upcoming National Congress. Both of our organizations have enjoyed incredible collaboration and friendship over the years. We have learned and exchanged experiences over the years through our comrades attending your congresses and your comrades attending our conferences, including the recently Ecosocialism: Climate Action Not War conference that was organized in Perth this year. 

Your Congress is happening at a very important time. We are seeing the barbarism of capitalism laid bare, from Israel’s genocide in Gaza that is backed to the hilt by Western imperialist powers. But also more importantly, and this has more significance in our own collaboration, we are seeing this growing militarism in Asia Pacific being led by the Western powers, including the United States, Australia, and Britain. They are trying to lead a war drive against China, in of which Malaysia is in the midst of it. We have to put forward an alternative foreign policy that is based on peace and justice, and oppose any growing militarism in our region, because at the end of the day, any drive to war is only getting disproportionately impact on the working class and the oppressed. And also more importantly, we cannot forget the impact of the climate crisis that disproportionately will be felt within the Global South.

I commend the PSM for the fantastic work that they have done in Malaysia, putting forward a left alternative in politics and climate justice. And finally, I hope the Congress has a productive discussion and strengthen the fight against global capitalism. More than ever we need a strong revolutionary left that connect the oppressed and the working class against the barbarism of capitalist system.

Jacob Andrewartha, National Co-Convener


Red Green Alliance, Denmark

We understand that you have Congress where you will work on strengthen your organization and expand your work all around Malaysia. We wish you all the best. It is important in Malaysia as well as in Denmark, Europe, Asia and all around the world to expand our work, to talk to people, to organize people, for change against the global capitalism and for a socialist society anywhere. We from the Red Green Alliance in Denmark wish you a very nice conference and all the best. 

Rasmus Holme Nielsen, Secretary for the Executive Council of The Red Green Alliance


New Anticapitalist Party-The Anticapitalist (NPA-A), France

We are happy to send you from France this message of solidarity from the New Anticapitalist Party-The Anticapitalist (NPA-A) on the occasion of your 26th congress.

The global situation is more difficult every year: the climate crisis is getting worse and worse, extreme right-wing and fascist forces are on the rise all over the world, bourgeois governments are becoming increasingly authoritarian, deadly colonial wars are on the increase, crushing 

people from Ukraine to Palestine, globalised capitalism and competing imperialisms are on the 

offensive, causing inequalities to grow at a dizzying pace and poverty to rise. But the resistance of the peoples, the oppressed and the exploited gives hope and responsibility to anti-capitalists and all those who defend democratic socialism and human emancipation.

In France, we are faced with ever more complicated situations, where our compass is to remain as united as we are revolutionary, to link up with the masses and to develop our imagination to 

face new situations and new generations of activists. In this movement, we have unfortunately recently had to part company with comrades whose sectarianism tended to make us sterile, and we have joined the vast but fragile New Popular Front, which has achieved success in its battle to roll back the far right and its ideas, but also the authoritarian ultraliberalism of President Macron. 

But time is running out for us to win more solid victories and consolidate hope on the left by avoiding the mistakes and betrayals of the past. We are trying to bring together the most consistent wing on principles of defending workers and the oppressed, anti-racist, feminist, environmentalist and anti-colonialist principles, with this in mind, we are at the forefront of defending the rights of our Kanak comrades against the offensive to recolonise New Caledonia led by the Macron government and the colonial right, just as we are at the forefront of defending the Ukrainian people against Putin’s chauvinistic determination, and defending the Palestinian people against Netanyahu’s genocidal policy. We are delighted to see that our organisations are converging in these struggles, and that solidarity with the Palestinian people is particularly close to your hearts. More than ever, we believe it is essential to link our struggles and our solidarity at the international level

Dear comrades, we hope that your congress will be fruitful and we are awaiting your analyses and decisions with interest.

The International Secretariat of the NPA-A


Partei Die Linke, Germany

I send you warm greetings on the occasion of your 26th National Congress on behalf of the Party Die Linke. We wish you fruitful discussions and good decisions. We hope that your Congress will strengthen our common struggle for social justice, democracy, peace and 

sustainable development.

On this occasion, you will elect a new Central Committee, a task that is always difficult but 

essential for the health and future of the party. The people of your country are facing enormous hardships, with high inflation, stagnant wages and lack of social security. And the government, which shifts its preferences between China and the U.S., is unable to provide solutions to these problems. 

We know this situation very well, because we’re facing very similar problems: we, like you, will be electing a new Central Committee in October; here in Germany, poverty is on the rise, and in Europe, one in four children is at risk of falling into poverty. Time is pressing: we have to find a way to channel people’s frustration into a movement that strengthens our solidarity, our social bonds and our empathy, instead of the hatred and discrimination that the populist right-wing forces – so popular at the moment – are promoting. 

The next months, full of regional and national elections, could be decisive for our survival. We’ll be looking forward to the outcome of your congress, because we need all the inspiration we can get. And we know that you, a party that spent ten years fighting for legal recognition, know a lot about fighting back in difficult times.

Once again I wish you a successful congress and fruitful debates.

Wulf Gallert, Co-President of the International Commission


Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, India

We extend our revolutionary greetings and best wishes for the success of the 26th annual national Congress of the PSM (Parti Socialis Malaysia) on behalf of the CPIML Liberation and the Indian people. 

The landmark conference is being held at a time when the world is experiencing the rise of the rightwing, fascist forces across the world. The implementation of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation policies to ward off the imperialist crisis has further accentuated the crisis of big capital. It’s worst manifestation is the genocidal war on Palestine being waged by Israel. In a quirk of history Israel is now invoking anti-semitism as an alibi to suppress the Palestinian quest for freedom and to try to silence the global solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Western military support for Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine acts as a bulwark for imperialist plunder in the Middle East and beyond.

Right from European elections to the elections in countries after countries, fascist forces are on the ascendance, even if not elected to power. In April and May 2024 it was testing time for India and the world was watching us. On 4 June as the BJP juggernaut was stopped at 240, democracy lovers across the world heaved a mild sigh of relief. But just when India seemed to have succeeded in pushing the fascist forces back at least partially, elections to the European Parliament recorded a major surge of the xenophobic far-right in country after country. The AfD in Germany, RN in France and the ruling ‘Brothers of Italy’ and similar far-right parties across Europe made major gains in the early June European elections. The centrist Emmanuel Macron regime of France took note of this ultra-nationalist far-right surge and ordered snap parliamentary elections on June 30 and July 7. Meanwhile, UK elections were already scheduled on July 4 and the whole world is now busy decoding the tale of two elections. 

The NFP has emerged as the biggest bloc with 188 seats followed by the centrist Ensemble alliance with 161 seats while the fascist RN got stuck in the third position with 142 seats. This is however only a temporary respite from the threat of an outright fascist takeover in France.

Under the current leadership of Keir Starmer, the Labour Party itself has taken a pronounced rightward turn, not just in economic policy direction but more crucially by competing with the Conservatives in adopting anti-migrant rhetoric and by expressing support for Israel’s war on Gaza and refusing to back the global call for a permanent ceasefire. Leftwing erstwhile Labour voters therefore voted for independent left and proPalestine candidates and Green Party candidates in many places. In contrast, the NFP in France upheld the Left agenda in terms of both economic and social policies as well as an internationalist foreign policy, especially in the context of Israel’s war on Gaza and Palestine. 

But the renewed surge of neo-fascism in Europe shows that the current phase of acute crisis of capitalism, accentuated by the ravages of the Covid pandemic, the war on Ukraine, the climate crisis and escalating cost of living, is once again giving rise to an upswing of fascist politics, this time built on the acute racism, Islamophobia and anti-migrant hate which has been encouraged and promoted by mainstream right wing parties.

The situation in Malaysia is also not an exception but for the fact that the rightwing forces here are based on fundamentalism of a different religion that is facing persecution in India and elsewhere.

It is heartening to note that the PSM is emerging as one of the prominent left voices in the country and giving thrust to basic issues of the people, including unemployment, national minorities, ecological matters and migrant issues. The onward march of fascist forces could at least be contained in India mainly because of political and electoral assertion of Dalits, poor and the downtrodden. The fundamental livelihood issues and the question of protecting democracy and constitution played a key role in stopping the BJP at 240 seats much lesser than a simple majority in the parliament. The opposition’s space and electoral presence has increased defying BJP and Modi’s plan to contain them as a miniscule minority. CPIML too has won two seats of the Parliament as a reflection of decades long struggles of the party and assertion of the voiceless in the region in Bihar. 

In that sense, we are all working towards fighting fascism internationally by basing anti-fascist resistance nationally while trying to keep Left forces as its core, despite all its challenges. Fighting rightwing forces is also very much dependent on strengthening the organisation at grassroot level. We hope the delegates, as mentioned in the invite, will discuss about building a robust organisation to fight the rightwing forces.

We, once again, express our solidarity and extend our revolutionary greetings on behalf of CPIML for the success of the 26th annual national Congress of PSM.

Dipankar Bhattacharya, General Secretary, on behalf of the Central Committee, CPI(ML) Liberation


Perserikatan Sosialis, Indonesia

Red salute on behalf of Peserikatan Sosialis or Socialist Union Indonesia. Hereby, we would like to deliver our deepest solidarity message, our fraternal message to our comrades from Socialist Party fo Malaysia (PSM) for holding your 26th National Congress.

Now, is the time of challenging political environment in Malaysia as well as the world, which has been plunged into deep crises. It is the time for all of us, socialist organization, to remember the principle of socialism what Marx and Engels said: “the working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made state machinery, and wield it for its own purposes.” Capitalism is the way of the devil and exploitation, capitalism is the road to hell, capitalism need to be destroy to built socialism. In time like this, people will need alternative, people need socialism. To achieved that, people will also need a leadership, will need a revolutionary party. A party that will lead the people out off the maze of current situation, out off the hell of capitalism. “A party is the vanguard of a class, and its duty is to lead the masses and not merely to reflect the average political level of the masses,” like Lenin said. We hope in this congress, PSM continue building that party and lead the Malaysian people. 

We hope, PS and PSM can continue our cooperation. We hope that we can, in the future, will also able to learn from each other, to help each other, in the spirit of socialist comradeship, in the spirit of international revolutionary struggle, in the spirit of proletarian international, in the spirit of solidarity among the oppressed. 

We salute you, comrades from PSM, for your part in leading important workers rights struggle and social advocacies and recently in the solidarity for the Palestinian people. We also deliver our solidarity message for the upcoming struggle in your challenging political environment. 

We hope you for the best outcome for your congress, and from Indonesia, we send you our deepest respect, and we hope you all the best. Long live international solidarity of the oppressed. Long live, socialism!

Tuntaskan Revolusi Demokratis, Menangkan Sosialisme!

Dipo Negoro, Coordinator of Central Committee Socialist Union and Editor in Chief of Arah Juang


Potere al Popolo!, Italy

From Italy, Power to the People! (Potere al Popolo!) is sending you the best wishes for your works during the 26th Annual National Congress you are holding these days. 

We think that what we are facing today the deep crisis that expressing itself in the advance of the far-right all over the world, in the destruction of our planet, in the destruction of our people, precarious work, wars etc, is leading us to fundamental discussion inside our organization, our tactics.and strategies should be developed. It is also very important to lead this discussion on the international level, because we all know this crisis we are facing is not only the crisis in one country, in one city, in one region, it is the global crisis of capitalism. And we can only face this global crisis of capitalism with a common strategy, with common tactics all over the world. 

So we wish you really the best during these days and we hope from Potere al Popolo! that we can soonly meet directly to conduct this discussion all together. Power to the people!

Maurizio Coppola, International bureau of Potere al Popolo!


Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Socialist), Nepal

Greetings from Himalayan Country Nepal!

On behalf of Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Socialist), we extend our warmest solidarity and revolutionary greetings to the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) on the occasion of your 26th Annual National Congress. We recently concluded our own 10th National Congress, which adopted a Socialist Program with Nepalese characteristics along with other important documents. We are very much pleased to receive your greetings of solidarity for our congress and would heartily like to extend the same to your congress. 

In these times of global crises and political challenges, the role of socialist organizations like PSM is more crucial than ever. We applaud your steadfast commitment to building an equitable and just society through grassroot movements, impactful campaigns, and political awareness. Your dedication serves as an inspiration to all of us who are striving for socialism and social justice around the world. The upcoming Annual National Congress, with its focus on strengthening your organization and expanding your work, is a testament to PSM’s resilience and vision. As you elect a new Central Committee for the term of 2024-2026, we are confident that your leadership will continue to advance the struggle for socialism in Malaysia and beyond.

We stand with you in solidarity to strengthen the left forces and challenge the global capitalist system. Together, we can build a stronger international movement that fights for a world where equality, justice, and socialism prevail. We wish you a highly successful Congress. May your deliberations and decisions pave the way for greater achievements in our common struggle.

Dr. Shankar Khatiwada, Secretary, International Department, CPN (Unified Socialist)


Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM), Philippines

Warm solidarity greetings from the Party of the Laboring Masses (PLM) Philippines to the 26th National Congress of the Socialist Party of Malaysia.

As the crisis of international capitalism deepens, with the imperialist war drive led by the U.S. in the genocide against the Palestinian peoples struggle against the Israeli occupation, in our region with its war plans against China, the socio-economic crisis and the Climate Emergency, international solidarity of left parties and forces must be urgently strengthened. PLM is committed to building an anti-imperialist united front as a part of the struggle against global capitalism and imperialism.

This also necessitates building and campaigning for a viable socialist alternative today. We are again intervening in the 2025 elections as a part of the genuine opposition to the Marcos regime and the dynasties that rule the Philippines. During this election campaign we will put forward our transitional socialist platform calling for a ‘Government of the Masses’. 

PLM values its relations and collaboration with PSM to strengthen the solidarity of the international socialist movement. 

We wish all the delegates a successful Congress! 

Mabuhay PSM! Mabuhay Internationalism! Mabuhay Socialism!

Reihana Mohideen, Head International Committee, on behalf of the PLM National Executive


Democratic Union Party (PYD), North and East Syria

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all of you on the occasion of your party’s 26th conference. We hope that it will result in historic decisions that contribute to the strengthening of socialist and democratic principles in your country and around the world.

We in the Democratic Union Party in North and East Syria, have established a model that can serve as an example for solutions and democracy and women rights in Syria and across the Middle East, which is currently witnessing a third world war. 

We firmly believe that strengthening the relations between our two parties will contribute significantly to spreading peace, democracy, and justice throughout the world.

Once again, we wish your conference every success and eagerly look forward to enhancing the relations between our parties.  

Asia Abdullah & Saleh Muslim, Co-Presidency


Frontline Socialist Party, Sri Lanka

The world is on the verge of another World War, and capitalism will never find a way to stop it with the competition of finance capital and with the intentions of imperialist plunder of resources. We all know that the working class all over the world can stop it and find ways to bring real peace and freedom for humanity and other species and also the environment only through socialism. Taking action to build a strong proletariat organization, is a responsibility vested on our shoulders to carry out our part in our countries toward strengthening the international proletariat revolution. We appreciate your continued endeavor to build relationships with left-wing organizations against global capitalism and hope your conference with fruitful dialogues, proposals, and activity plans, will contribute to fulfilling this task.

The Front Line Socialists Party and working-class people in Lanka would like to forward our warm fraternal greetings to the 26th Annual National Congress of the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM).

Central Committee


Socialist Workers Thailand (SWT), Thailand

On the occasion of the 26th Annual National Congress of PSM in Johor Bahru, we are delighted that you got through difficult times and stand strong here again. 

We, socialists, are still struggling with poverty from regressive political economy and international and regional conflict and environmental crisis done by the authoritarian elites and corporates that we always realize that we cannot ignore for one second, but improve the way outs and our movements.

In Thailand, we agreed to strengthen our force and join forces with some alliances to keep fighting for Free Palestine these days and attacking the imperialists like the USA ruling class. We also advance our fight for socialism like PSM, as our inspiration and long-term comrade. Lately, we have discussed with friends how to shape class struggle ideas in the LGBTQ+ and democracy movements.

We hope you will have a new and strong line-up for the Central Committee from the Annual National Congress and, of course, have more strong party members.


Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF)

We wish you every success for your 26th National Congress.

At the time of ‘polycrisis’, the global crisis facing us all, international solidarity is becoming ever more essential.

Unfortunately, your annual congresses are each time an opportunity to measure its growing seriousness. In South-East Asia, you are much more brutally affected by it than we are in France, but even here, it is manifesting itself forcefully: climatic chaos causing a succession of floods due to torrential rains and droughts; heat waves accompanied by devastating fires; destruction of ecosystems and falling biodiversity; a rampant health crisis caused in particular by poorly controlled epidemics (including Covid-19) and the destruction of the public health service; the extension of widespread insecurity among the working classes…

It all ties together. There isn’t an ecological crisis on one side and a social crisis on the other. They are interdependent and feed off each other. This is the very meaning of the term ‘polycrisis’. Today we are paying the exorbitant price of capitalist maldevelopment, imposed in particular since the 1960s, then as part of neoliberal globalisation. The current state of crisis is not the result of a natural ‘accident’, but of the historical failure of the dominant mode of production. However, the established powers, both economic and political, are determined not to give up.

In France, this is compounded by a major political and institutional crisis. The Macronist regime has become increasingly authoritarian. We live in one of the most accomplished ‘surveillance societies’ in Western Europe. Holding the Olympic Games in Paris is an opportunity to perfect it even further. Violations of rights are multiplying.

The far right, embodied by the Rassemblement national (National Rally, formerly the National Front), has been given so much room for manoeuvre that it won the European elections, then the first round of the early parliamentary elections, and was then in a position to win an absolute majority in Parliament after the second round. Here again, Emmanuel Macron bears a major responsibility, having taken the decision to dissolve the National Assembly, a solitary poker move, and having called new legislative elections in a very short time: three weeks later.

In less than a week, we have seen an extraordinary upsurge of the ‘people of the left’ who have pushed for unity and the formation of the New Popular Front. The result exceeded our expectations: not only did the National Rally fail to win an absolute majority, it also found itself outnumbered in the assembly – and the New Popular Front became the biggest bloc, even if still a minority. However, this is only a reprieve, as we are well aware, and the NR has made significant progress in terms of both its presence in the regions and its representation in the Parliament. The fight must go on, and it won’t be an easy one.

A global crisis requires a global response. This response can only be international. Our weapons in defending the rights of all are solidarity and joint mobilisations.

We know the role that you play, as one of the pivots of solidarity in South-East Asia and beyond.

We thank you for that! It is a great encouragement to us to measure the quality of your commitments.

Pierre Rousset


Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) 

The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) sends you its warmest greetings to your 26th Annual National Congress. We are an international organisation with sections and activists in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Israel / Occupied Palestine, Russia, Ukraine, Nigeria, Britain, and Austria.

In your deliberations about the political situation in Malaysia, you will certainly also discuss about the latest developments of the world situation. This is all the more natural as the national and the global developments are inextricably linked with each other.

At this point we shall limit ourselves to name only examples. Without doubt, the military conflicts between China and the U.S. resp. its allies in the South China Sea are influencing the political situation in each country in the region. In the last weeks, there has been a clear acceleration of tensions between China and the Philippines (clashes of their navies at the Scarborough Shoal) as well as between China and Taiwan (confiscation of a Taiwanese fisher boat).

Likewise, the U.S. and its allies have started RIMPAC, their huge naval exercises in the Pacific which is a show of force against their rivals in Beijing and Moscow.

At the same time, the ongoing genocide in Gaza has provoked global outrage and triggered an unprecedented pro-Palestine solidarity movement. This does put pressure on governments to protest – at least in words – against the numerous war crimes of the Israeli Apartheid state. Some politicians, as you know from your own country, are trying to opportunistically exploit such popular outrage for their domestic agenda.

We think that these global developments show how crucial it is for socialists to advocate an anti-imperialist program. This means, on one hand, no support for any Great Power in inter-imperialist conflicts. In such conflicts between the China and the U.S. (or its allies), the RCIT calls for a dual defeatist position against both camps.

On the other hand, such an anti-imperialist stance means to unconditionally support the Palestinian liberation struggle (including the armed resistance) against the Zionist monster, without lending political support to the leadership of Hamas and other resistance factions. The same applies in the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah as well as between the Western imperialists and the Houthis in Yemen.

Most importantly, socialists need to advocate the international unity of the working class – united in struggle against imperialist domination and super-exploitation and in support of the oppressed peoples. We consider it as important that socialists intensify their collaboration on the basis of such a program.

We wish you all the best for your congress and look forward to seeing the documents which you will discuss and adopt at this event!

Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, 

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