Parti Sosialis Malaysia would like to announce that we will be competing in the Johor Elections 2022. Far from being a new contender in Johor politics, activists from PSM have been mobilising in Johor for more than 15 years and the first PSM Branch in Johor is the Nusa Jaya Branch (now known as Kota Iskandar). This branch was registered in the year 2010 and has served continuously to this day.
One of the strengths of PSM in Johor is that they have successfully organised many campaigns of marhaen issues. Including the Minimum Wage campaign, the Worker’s Insurance Scheme campaign, the campaign demanding Schools in Kota Iskandar, the Protest GST campaign, the struggle demanding Hospitals in Kangkar Pulai, Orang Asli struggle, the Affordable Housing campaign and many more activities in Johor.
In line with PSM principles to only compete in areas that we have served, PSM made the decision to compete in DUN N49 Kota Iskandar in this Johor Election 2022.
Although we are only competing for one seat, we feel that PSM bring a political narrative that is different than other parties that have announced their participation in the Johor Elections at this time. All political parties, whether those who are ruling or those who are opposing do not approach their fight from the point of view of ordinary citizens, the marhaen.

Thus, most of the policies, programs, and reform they bring are obscured by the desired of the capitalist class and corporate class. From the political funds that are accepted to the policies they bring while in power, they side with the class that has monetary power and elite political influence. This must be stopped. The people are tired with politics of the elite! PSM is ready to offer an alternative progressive politics that empowers people power!
The candidate that we are introducing is Arangkanal Rajoo also known as Ara, who is someone that works in film. He is the director of many social films that have won international awards. His socialist spirit brought him to serve with PSM for more than 2 years in DUN Kota Iskandar (NusaJaya).

Therefore, we ask for citizens in Kota Iskandar to support PSM if they truly desire progressive change and to put people first and empower them.
Ayuh! Undilah Ara SuARA Kota Iskandar #PSMBinaKuasaRakyat
Salam perjuangan
A. Sivarajan
Parti Sosialis Malaysia