by Arveent Kathirtchelvan.It’s not just that this @KerajaanGagal – the whole system has failed
Tag: Arveent Kathirtchelvan
Pemuda PSM Profile: Arveent Kathirtchelvan
Come learn about Arveent, head of the Science and Technology Bureau of Pemuda Sosialis, and former student activist in the University of Manchester.
Between peace and violence
by Arveent Kathirtchelvan. Understanding the plight of J&T Express’ oppressed workers
Don’t be condescending towards young lawyers
The brave Young Lawyers Movement fights against oppression
Top Glove shows the folly of private capitalists
It is time we do away with labour exploitation
Government funding should be visionary and independent of taxation
The government must take a leading role in the economy
Prioritise mental health in times of Covid
The working class is under monumental mental strain
Multi-pronged approach needed to solve fisherfolk’s woes
ideas to revitalize Malaysian fishing communities
The Selangor Government Should Think Creatively To Solve Water Crises
We propose some solutions to the recurring water supply disruption
Government should rethink the Digital Economy Master Plan
We must protect workers’ interests in this rapidly changing economy